Coming in at number four on our list is a wickedly dark delight, courtesy of Nasty Airfix. Nasty Juice are one of the biggest names in e-liquid, and their unique flavour profiles have garnered them multiple industry awards alongside a horde of loyal fans. So it came as no surprise that their initial run of Nasty Fix disposable vapes were steady sellers.
Now, with the new Nasty AirFix range, they’ve added a further innovation to disposable vaping —adjustable airflow. Of course, this is merely a technical addendum to the star player here; Nasty made their name with electrifying e-liquid blends, and this disposable vape is no exception. Blackcurrant
Cotton Candy is a rich, sumptuous treat, with just enough bite to stop it straying into cloying territory.
The base flavour here is, obviously, blackcurrant; dark, ripe and juicy, it provides welcome notes of tartness and richness to ensure enjoyment all day long. The light to its darkness, the yang to its yin, comes in the form of fluffy, festive cotton candy. Bright and sugary, it deftly complements the dark tones of blackcurrant that bubble beneath.
Nasty AirFix Blackcurrant Cotton Candy assuredly weds light and dark, sweet and tart, to create a flavour profile that’s well-rounded, full-bodied, and uniquely exquisite. From one e-liquid giant to another, step out of the darkness and into the light as we turn toward third spot.