Study: Weed smokers inhale fewer toxic substances than cigarette smokers
According to a pilot study examining exposure to toxic substances, cannabis smokers inhale “considerably” less harmful chemicals than tobacco smokers. When it comes to toxic substances that enter the body during consumption, tobacco smokers are worse off than those who smoke cannabis.
This is what emerges from a recent study published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, which shows that people who smoke pure weed have lower health risks from toxic substances than tobacco smokers or people who mix it up.
A poison, compared to a toxin, which is naturally occurring, is a toxic chemical of human origin that is found in additives for cigarettes and other industrial products.
In the study, researchers at the University of Minnesota compared the differences in exposure to toxic substances between three types of smokers. One group smoked both cannabis and tobacco, and the other groups smoked one or the other.
The researchers recruited 53 smokers and measured the levels of toxic substances between the groups using breath and urine tests taken in the morning after a smoking session. To participate in the study, stoners had to smoke weed at least once a week, and cigarette smokers had to consume more than five a day.
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The study found that people in both groups that included tobacco had higher levels of exhaled carbon monoxide, which was reported in systemic illnesses and seen in respiratory illnesses, most likely due to local inflammation. .
“Co-consumers and tobacco-only smokers had comparable levels of biomarkers of exposure to harmful components, despite having smoked similar amounts of tobacco,” the study read.
Cannabis smokers inhale “significantly” lower levels of harmful chemicals
Although cannabis users are exposed to significantly lower levels of harmful substances than cigarette smokers, they are still exposed to higher levels of toxic substances than people who do not use anything.
All groups had the same levels for phenanthrene tetraol, a compound found in the urine of smokers after ingestion of phenanthrene, described as non-toxic and not causing cancer.
Studies suggest that some people are able to easily remove chemicals such as phenanthère tetraol, while others experience cell damage that can ultimately lead to cancer.
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The study also explains that cannabis-only users sometimes exhibit toxic substances that appear in cigarette smokers, which could be due to unknowingly combined use of tobacco and weed, given the lack of easy access to cannabis, or mixing in blunts or spliffs.
Tobacco smokers had higher levels of NNAL, a potent lung carcinogen, a toxic compound commonly found in cigarettes and which previous studies have shown to cause cancer. 2-HPMA, a molecule released in the urine after exposure to propylene oxide, a mutagen and carcinogen, was also higher in the smoking groups.
According to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, of the more than 7,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke, at least 250 are known to be harmful, including hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia. .