This time we want to leave you two tips in one: a brief explanation about how can we remove the annoying chlorophyll taste of our appreciated cannarecipes using the water curing technique; and, the simple technique itself, which we take advantage of to introduce you step by step in case you still don’t know it.
Curing marijuana in water
Curing marijuana in water is an alternative process to curing a lifetime in a pot or container. Serves to remove unwanted substances or unpleasant flavors like the characteristic “green” taste of chlorophyll present in cannabis. The process basically consists of completely submerge our marijuana in water at room temperature, between 18 and 24 degrees, for a period from 3 to 7 days. What’s more, It is advisable to make several changes of this curing water, once a day at least. The final drying is carried out in the usual way during the time necessary to finish the process. We can check the status of the marijuana after a few hours and see how long it will take, depending also as always, on the temperature and humidity present in the environment.
Like everything, This form of curing has both advantages and disadvantages. We tell you.
Advantages of curing marijuana in water
Using this technique, we will achieve remove unwanted substances from our harvest.
It’s simple, substances such as chlorophyll or possible excess fertilizers External in our cultivation, which can give an unwanted taste to marijuana, are soluble and THC is not. So as a base, we will heal and “purify” our harvest. without compromising the amount of THC present in it.
Also will eliminate or reduce strong flavors characteristic of some types of marijuana such as the prestigious Jack Herer or any derivative of Diesel, which will have those natural flavors of chemical or fuel that many people do not quite convince.
Disadvantages of curing marijuana in water
Really, the downsides are pure logic. With the curing of marijuana in water too We may lose part of the elements that we do not want to waste from our marijuana.
In water the final flavor will be reduced; so if we are going to cure a very subtle variety, the traditional way is recommended so as not to obtain a final result without aroma or flavor.
How to use water curing to end the chlorophyll flavor in our recipes
It has happened to all of us, after launching ourselves to prepare a first recipe with that special ingredient, the cake, brownie or butter, they taste like marijuana and they even produce their effects, but suddenly we don’t like it at all.
This is because the first thing we notice is that unpleasant taste of green, that no one likes. The cause is none other than chlorophyll, known as that natural pigment that gives plants the bright green color characteristic of almost all the plant world. It is responsible for photosynthesis and although it is highly appreciated in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical world, affecting the final taste when we consume marijuana.
For its habitual consumption, smoked or inhaled, it is normal for growers to carry out curing and drying processes, which do not eliminate 100% chlorophyll from marijuana, but almost completely and above all, which will make the “yerba “We do not know” green “.
In the culinary world, finding that flavor is even less pleasant and the truth is that it is easy for that peculiar flavor to almost disappear. It is enough that we subject the amount that we are going to use, whether it is buds directly or remains such as stems and leaves that have even more flavor, to something similar to what we have seen as cured in water.
If the marijuana has already gone through a normal curing and drying process, we must repeat the process but for much less time. In fact It should be enough that we put the marijuana with which we will prepare whatever recipe it is, a maximum of one hour to soak. We remember that it is important that the water does not exceed 30 degrees, and much less that it boils, be careful if we put it in a saucepan with the idea of tempering it.
As we say, many growers use this technique in water as a special curing of the harvest, but in this case from the BobGrow team we prefer the usual curing techniques. You can consult them in this blog in our article The drying, manicuring and curing of marijuana And, like us, use this adaptation to eliminate the ugly taste of chlorophyll, thus making your recipes with marijuana even more delicious.
Dare to try this trick and tell us, you already know that in this blog you will find several ideas to cook with our precious plant in the section Recipes.
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