Chewy, sweet, and with a hint of nostalgia, it’s no secret that CBD gummies are among some of the most popular products in the industry.
And while it may be tempting to eat them up one by one, this is almost never recommended.
When it comes to getting the most out of CBD gummies, it’s all about determining your dosage.
What are CBD Gummies?
Gummies may very well be one the easiest, most convenient ways to take CBD. As a sweet, chewy treat, gummies turn your CBD into a tasty little snack, unlike CBD drops or capsules.
And due to their unassuming appearance, they’re ideal for those who want a bit of discretion with their CBD. And of course, gummies are incredibly straightforward with their dosages. While oils need a specifically-marked dropper, gummies are typically dosed individually, often at 10, 15, 20, or 25 mg per gummy.
As a result, you can simply pop one in your mouth without the guesswork.
Plus, portioning is easy, too: simply have more gummies for a higher dose, or you can even cut them into smaller pieces if you need to lower your dosage.
That being said, this still leaves it up to the consumer to determine the dosage that’ll work for them.
How Many CBD Gummies Should I Take?
It’s a common question: How many CBD gummies should I take?
But unfortunately, there is no common answer. That is to say, the ideal CBD dosage is going to be different for everyone, and this is just as much the case with gummies.
Why is Dosage So Tricky?
If you’ve spent any amount of time researching CBD, you’ve likely noticed by now that dosage can be tricky, and this is because it comes down to a number of factors about the individual, including body weight, body chemistry, reason for taking CBD, and desired potency.
But even this criteria isn’t always enough to determine an accurate dosage. When in doubt, stay open-minded about adjusting as needed, and consult your physician about for a more accurate determination.
How to Dose CBD Gummies
For those determining their own dosages at home, here a a few key factors to consider:
As a general rule of thumb, those with a higher weight will need a higher dosage, and vice versa.
Do you have that 10 stone friend who gets hammered after 3 beers? Perhaps you are that friend. But in either case, you know what we mean by the term “lightweight.”
While variation is always possible, weight tends to be a significant factor with the dosing of CBD gummies, and it can help determine your starting dosage:
Below 10 stone – 15 mg or less
10-16 stone – 20 mg or less
Above 16 stone – 25 mg or less
Reason for Taking CBD Gummies
The reason you’re taking CBD can make a big impact on the dosage you’re choosing (see below), as this is going to indicate the type of effect you’re looking for.
It’s not a perfect science, but generally, those who take CBD for the purpose of pain relief or relaxation, a higher dose is recommended, while a lower dose may be more suited for those who need to focus.
Desired Potency
Sometimes, this factor can be confusing to individuals. Isn’t potency what I’m trying to figure out here?
But here’s the thing: there’s a difference between the potency and the dosage.
While the dosage is the exact amount of milligrams, potency is more about the extent to which the CBD gummies affect you.
For those looking for moderate effects from their CBD, the weight-based recommendations above are a good starting point.
However, those looking for strong effects may want to dose accordingly:
-Below 10 stone – 16-18 mg
-10-16 stone – 25-28 mg
-above 16 stone – 30-45 mg
What if My CBD Gummies Dosage Isn’t Affecting Me?
Finally, this is another quotation that’s quite common: this CBD isn’t working for me! What do I do?
CBD dosing can be tricky, but that may not be the only thing at play.
Before raising your dosage, try giving the CBD a little bit of time, as it can take around a month in some cases for CBD to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, while many others may feel the effects right away.
And while you experiment with different CBD dosages, it can be especially helpful to keep track as you go along.
If you really feel that your CBD dosage isn’t enough, try raising it in small increments.