Benefits of Automatic Watering of Marijuana Growing

Having a marijuana crop ready is a task that can take much longer than you had imagined. If you are a grower with some experience you will already know what we are referring to. And if this is your first adventure as a cannabis grower, you are about to find out.

Not that this is an impossible task for one person, unless you are a truly ambitious cultivator and have very high expectations. But be it for one thing or another, the truth is that in the end you always end up dedicating more hours to your marijuana plants than you had planned. Especially because it is a very pleasant hobby, you want everything to be perfect and in the end time flies by.

Irrigation is one of those aspects that usually takes quite a few minutes of your dedication even when everything is under control. And if everything is under control, why spend more time than necessary? For that reason, in this post we are going to explain the advantages of installing an automatic irrigation system in your crop and how to do it in the appropriate way.

The best solution for clueless growers

Sometimes it is not just a matter of time or consistency but of character. Some varieties of marijuana are quite difficult to treat and even if you have enough tables to face the issue, being in everything is not a precisely human quality.

It is difficult to adapt to the specific requirements of the most complicated crops while not losing sight of the basic needs that, despite being relatively mechanical, can be overlooked. With irrigation, you face one of those common requirements that on more than one occasion have surely made you put your hands on your head: ‘I’ve forgotten to pour water on the plants!’

With an automatic irrigation system you will forget about these unnecessary troubles. What’s more, if you put it on really well, you can even go on vacation, leaving the system programmed so that during your absence plants receive the exact amount of water they need without the fact that you are not there is something traumatic. It is one of the best solutions for clueless growers, for those who do not have much time or for those who have too extensive a harvest to consider manual watering.

What do you need to install your automatic irrigation system?

Irrigation accessories for crops

Automatic irrigation is a system that can be applied both to indoor and outdoor marijuana plantations and to any type of crops, although this method has become popular especially among those who cultivate large plots and hydroponics, since it allows make optimal use of all resources.

Regardless of the cultivation modality you have chosen to carry out your harvest this year, you can apply your automatic irrigation system to any of them. You will only have to analyze the different options of automatic irrigation systems that currently exist on the market and choose the one that best suits your specific needs.

Types of automatic irrigation

The basic scheme of an automatic irrigation system is the one that consists of a water intake, a timer, a tank, a pump for water and some drippers or some type of means of distribution / channeling of water. From here the irrigation configuration possibilities are variable.

As the water you are going to use for irrigation probably comes from the tap, it would be important that you use a reverse osmosis system to remove excess chlorine. This, combined with the use of a tank, will allow you to control the purity of the water you use in irrigation on a regular basis.

In the tank you can include all the additives or fertilizers that your plants may need during the development and flowering period. Precisely another advantage of this system, in addition to saving time, is that if you also install an irrigation pump to channel the water, from now on all the plants will receive the dose that corresponds to them of the nutrients they need. for its proper growth.

Your entire system will be feasible through installation of the necessary pipes and drippers that allow you to lead the water from the reservoir to the plants. In this sense, it is important that you monitor the amount of water in each dropper to make sure that everything works correctly. The simplest test is by placing glasses and observing how full they are to make sure whether or not you should make any adjustments before planting your marijuana.

But we have talked about automating irrigation, right? So there has to be something that allows you to save yourself from having to go to open the tap or connect the water pump. That fundamental element is the timer, an accessory that connects directly to the network and that you can program to decide at what time and for how long the automatic irrigation system will be operating.

Can this be simplified even further? Of course yes. As we have proposed so far, this type of system would be effective especially in relatively extensive outdoor crops, as it would allow you to greatly optimize time (imagine that instead of growing marijuana you would have planted tomatoes. It is the same).

On the other hand, in indoor crops, on a terrace or in a small corner of the garden, you may be more interested in acquiring a hydroponic grow kit such as Ecogrower, with air pump induced dripping, RainForest modules, which consume very little energy or holiday watering kits from AutoPot, which work without timers and without electricity and allow you to leave the house for up to a week without being missed by the plants.

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