7 Self-Care Tips for this Week

Self-care is essential for your mental and physical health. We live in a fast-paced world and often forget to take a little time for ourselves. Scheduling a little me-time allows you to be your best self. Self-care doesn’t require an all-day spa extravaganza, although that does sound nice! Take our one-week self-care challenge and enjoy some daily TLC.

1. Monday Meditation 

The goal of our week-long challenge is to promote self-care. What does self-care mean to you? 

This loaded question will require a lot of reflection. Meditation is an excellent tool for helping to define your goals. 

Start this challenge by setting an intention for your week. Use meditation to help define what you’re trying to accomplish for your mind and body. 

Try sitting in silence or with relaxing music for at least ten minutes. Consciously think about your breath, inhaling and exhaling, especially as your mind wanders. After meditating, jot down any thoughts that come to mind, including your intentions!

2. Try Something New Tuesday

New experiences keep us ever-evolving. They create new pathways in the brain so we can learn new things. 

Acquiring this information is rewarding to the brain. It provides us a sense of purpose and helps us feel content. 

Whether it be a new hobby, restaurant, or activity, try something new. Step outside of your comfort zone to learn more about who you really are. Getting to know the true you is the ultimate form of self-care!

3. Wandering Wednesday

Many of us live sedentary lives. Poor habits and extended periods of sitting (especially for those with jobs that mainly include sitting behind a desk) can lead to bad posture, bodily discomfort, and irritation. 

Movement, especially outside, can do wonders for the mind and body.

Get up and go outside for at least an hour (if you’re able): go to a local dog park, do a bit of gardening, or go for a long walk and prioritize being in nature. Take a break from your phone, unplug, and observe the beautiful world around you.

4. Thankful Thursday

Nothing puts things into perspective like gratitude journaling. Even if you don’t journal daily, take a moment first thing Thursday morning to jot down your thoughts. 

Write down any dreams you had overnight, concerns you’re experiencing today, or goals you’d like to accomplish. 

When you’re done free writing, end your assignment with an answer to this question:  What are you thankful for?

It could be as simple as your dog or as complex as the roof over your head. You can write a couple of things in sentences or jot down a list.

After your entry is complete, read it over. Take a moment to cherish a thought about each item or person on that list. 

Once you’re done, notice how complete your heart feels. That is self-care!

5. Feel Good Friday

Celebrate yourself by doing something playfully creative—even if you don’t feel like a particularly creative person.

This can be anything from writing a poem, starting a DIY project, or dipping into the paints. Finishing creative tasks, especially when they’re not a part of our daily routines, can bolster our self confidence, activate new areas of the brain, and perhaps most importantly, may even reduce our fear of failure. 

Put those creative juices to work, and you may be surprised how good it feels. 

6. See Someone Saturday

Self-care isn’t always about spending time alone. There are others in our lives who make us feel complete. Busy schedules can make spending time with these people challenging. 

You’ve been making time for yourself all week. Use Saturday to make time to reconnect with someone you haven’t talked to in a while—especially someone who inspires you. 

Reach out to an old friend you’ve been thinking about. FaceTime with an older relative across the country. Grab coffee with your former co-worker. Maintaining bonds with those who love you is a way to show yourself love. 

7. CBD Sunday 

Sunday is the ultimate day to relax. Amplify the experience by adding a little extra CBD to your day.

CBD oil contains compounds known as phytocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoids interact with receptors in our minds and bodies that influence stress. Using CBD oil calms these receptors, promoting a healthy body and mind. 

Rather than just sticking to your usual CBD routine, create a CBD spa experience. Indulge in some me-time by drawing a bath with CBD bath bombs. Rehydrate your skin afterward with nourishing CBD cream. Binge-watch your favorite show while sipping CBD spritzers. CBD will help take the edge off so that you can immerse yourself into your self-care ritual and finish off your challenge week balanced and strong! 

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