This entry was posted on February 8, 2019
.Transplanting cannabis from a pot to a larger one It is a technique highly recommended by experts, as well as extremely beneficial for plant health. Marijuana, like many other plants, has a tendency to send the roots to the bottom and ends of the pot, leaving the central area of the pot uncovered by roots, which reduces the yield possibilities of the final production of the harvest. Yes OK there is no fixed rule for transplanting cannabis, in this post we will give some guidelines for how and when to transplant cannabis to obtain greater benefits.
What does it mean to transplant cannabis?
Transplanting a plant means moving it from a container or a larger one. This, which at first glance may seem simple, has its advantages, but also its drawbacks, so it is important to know when to transplant cannabis plants, and how to do it so that they suffer as little as possible.
Benefits of transplanting marijuana
Cannabis plants have a natural tendency to root to the bottom and sides of their main source.. Plants grow their root system in this way as a building that needs to build a foundation that supports the upper area. If we place our seed in a container, after a few days we will check how the roots have reached the bottom of it, in addition to the sides, creating a dense root system around the perimeter of the pot, which allows the plant to know what they are. its possibilities of vertical and horizontal growth of its aerial zone. Due to this reason we can observe a different morphology of those plants grown in pots with different shapes and volumes, since morphology is closely linked to the way they have been able to create their roots.
As we said, the natural growth of the root system of plants has a tendency to seek the ends of the container but … what about the central area of the container? Although it is true that the main root, as well as its secondary ones, will go through the container looking for the ends, their mission is not to fill the center, so that it will be devoid of root mass (this detail is easily appreciated if once Once a plant has been harvested, we remove the substrate from the pot and make a cross section of it). Here is the main mission of a transplant and the greatest benefit when transplanting cannabis: Getting the root system of the plant to fill the entire container and not just its outer perimeter.
Others secondary benefits of transplanting cannabis can be to offer new substrate to the plants (with available nutrients), give greater available volume to obtain larger plants, achieve greater distance between waterings …
It is clear then that transplanting is a global benefit for plants that has a direct impact not only on their aerial growth, if not also in the root, which helps to obtain a better final production.

When to transplant cannabis?
We have explained that the main mission of a transplant is to offer more space to the roots, and achieve a filling of the container, so it must be taken into account that for the roots to colonize this new space, they must be in the root development phase. This occurs mostly during the growth phase of plants, since in the flowering phase although some new roots are created, the main mission of the plants is not this, being totally useless to do them during this phase. Therefore, if we want to obtain benefits from transplanting cannabis, we must always do one or more transplants while the plants are in the growth phase.
When is a good time to transplant marijuana? If we start from the basis that each container has its volume, this volume will be the limitation, together with the time that the plants have remained in it. As symptoms of the need for urgent transplantation we have:
Symptoms of stagnation in plant development.
> Yellowing and loss of the largest leaves.
> Fast water consumption in the substrate.
> Visual control of the roots shows a high amount.
How to transplant marijuana?
We have already detailed the reasons why transplanting to a larger container (or the ground) may be beneficial. Now the next question is: How to proceed to the transplant?
1- The first thing to keep in mind before transplanting a plant from one container to another is that the substrate is very dry. A damp substrate can interfere with the process and the substrate package may break down.
2- Once we check that the substrate is dry, the next thing is to prepare the pot in which we will place the plant for its development. Our recommendation is to add substrate to fill approximately half of the new pot (the reference to take into account is that if we place the pot in which the plant is currently inside the new pot, the upper part of the initial pot does not exceed the height of the new pot).
3- Place a pot of the same size as the one used to contain the plant so far on top of the earth that we have added (in the center of the new pot), and fill the sides with new substrate.
4- Slightly press the added substrate so that it takes shape, making sure that there is no space without substrate.
5- Remove the pot from the center (the exact space will be left to place our plant). In case of having mycorrhizae, trichoderma or other beneficial fungi, add to the hole in the recommended dose.
6- Take the pot that contains the plant and press the upper corners of the pot to make the pot separate from the substrate. Once this is done, we place the palm of our hand on the substrate so that the main stem is between our fingers and we turn the plant over.
7- With the plant upside down, lift the pot so that the roots are uncovered.
8- Place the plant in the previously prepared hole.
9- Fill the surface with soil if necessary.
10- Proceed with the irrigation using a good root stimulator.

How many transplants are necessary?
If we talk about essential, or necessary for proper development, the answer is none. How? Yes, you read that correctly, if we talk about essential, a cannabis plant does not have to be transplanted, in fact there are many growers who have obtained large harvests without doing so, and that is why we say that it is not essential. Now, if what we are looking for is to create a healthy and strong root package, it is advisable to do at least 1-2 transplants before placing the plants in their final pot.
The most common talking about transplants is that 2 are done indoors, while outdoors one more is usually done (3-4). Whether we do more or less will depend on the initial starting point (size of the first pot used) and the size of the final pot in which we want to place the plants.
Recommendation of pots for transplants indoors
For indoor cultivation, the first thing to think about is the type of cultivation that we are going to carry out:
SOG: Sea Of Green
SCROG: Screen Of Green
The reason for this question is to know what will be the final size of the pot that we will use. While in a SOG type culture pots of a maximum size of 5-7 liters are usually used, in a SCROG it is advisable to use 15-20 liter pots to ensure that the plants develop at a good rate and cover the entire space quickly .
If our intention is to make a SOG crop, it would be advisable to start with 1L pots, from there to 3L, and later move them to the definitive 5-7L.
If we intend to make a SCROG, it would be advisable to start with 1L pots, then move them to 3L, from there move them to 7L and from there move them to the final 15-20 liter pot.
Recommendation of pots for transplants outdoors
Outdoor cultivation has a clear characteristic: A long vegetative period. Thanks to this, we can transplant cannabis more times, before placing the plants in the final pot (or in the ground).
In this case we must pay special attention to an important detail beyond the volume of the pots: The sun and its impact on the plastic of the pots.
It occurs more frequently than desired that a grower uses indoor growing pots for outdoor use, a typical phenomenon taking place: The sun heats the pot that contains humid substrate inside, and this, due to the temperature, “cooks” the roots. If we want to avoid this, we must pay special attention when we buy pots, and make sure that they are thick enough to be able to dissipate heat as much as possible. It is also advisable to use white, polystyrene, or Smart Pot-type geotextile pots, which avoid this effect.
Once we have the pots, our recommendation is based on doing 3-4 transplants during the vegetative phase (which in the northern hemisphere would be between April and July).
A good pot size to start with would be 1L, and then go to 10L, then 20-25L before transplanting to its final 40-50L location or directly into the substrate. One option that we especially like if we intend to grow in the ground, when space permits, is to use large geotextile pots (200-300 liters). In these cases we can proceed in two ways:
– Make a hole in the ground and place the 200-300-liter pot in it (our favorite option since the plants will be more sheltered from the wind and prying eyes, as well as being a great option to maintain a temperature in the area more stable root).
– Place the pot on the ground.
The greatest advantage of using large pots lies in the high final production obtained with just one plant, while its main disadvantage is its inconspicuous size.

Transplanting autoflowering cannabis
We did not want to miss the opportunity to talk about autoflowering seeds in this post, since their characteristics and special demands make them very different from other cannabis varieties. We want to specify that autoflowering seeds should not be transplanted in any case.
First of all, these types of automatic varieties are very susceptible to stress, and any type of transplant could be harmful.
Secondly, these genetics have a natural tendency to start flowering in cases where the root system has reached the limits of the container where we have placed them, which causes a premature start of flowering, which significantly reduces its harvest.
If we are clear about these two contraindications, it is clear that the best way to grow autoflowers is to place them in a pot from start to finish (and never use jiffy, which could also cause dwarfism in autoflowering plants). The volume of such a pot will depend on one main factor:
The ideal size of the plant at the end of flowering (normally expressed in the description of each variety offered by the seed bank). We could simplify it into two large groups:
– Small autoflowering (that do not grow more than 40-60 cm in height).
– Autoflowering XL (autoflowering varieties that exceed one meter in height).
While the smallest autoflowers can be grown in 10L pots, for XL it is recommended to use 15-20L pots so that they can offer their best final result.
Since if we grow autoflowering seeds we will not be able to benefit from the transplant technique, we recommend you read our post on how to stimulate the growth of autoflowering seeds.

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