How long does it take for a cannabis plant to grow? ?

The objective of the following article is to answer one of the questions that every amateur grower asks himself: How long does it take for a cannabis plant to grow? It is normal to have thousands of doubts before starting to cultivate, so we are obliged to answer all these questions. Although the time it takes for a cannabis plant to grow depends on many factors, we can give some approximate dates that can serve as a guide for any amateur grower. Let’s get started!

Cannabis growth: From germination to harvest.

What is really important in the growth of your cannabis plants is not how fast they grow, but that they do so in a healthy way. Rapid growth can prevent your plants from developing the way they should. Therefore, be very patient when watching your girls grow up.

To begin with, the growth of a plant is divided into its different stages of development: germination, increase Y flowering.


There are several ways to germinate marijuana seeds, so the time it takes for your seed to germinate will largely depend on the method you use.

Regarding the germination time, there is no specific period of time for the development of the seed. This time will vary depending on the variety, the state in which it is found (if it has been well preserved or not) and if your seed is of nature fertile.

Cannabis plant germination How long does it take for a cannabis plant to grow?

Cannabis seeds must be kept within certain environmental factors to preserve all their features.

Normally, the process of germination of a seed is usually between 2 or 3 days, although, depending on the variety you choose to germinate, it may take up to 15 days.

One way to avoid this period of germination is having access to some cuttings. This way, the time it would take to clone and root one is much shorter.

The process of germination of a seed is usually between 2 or 3 days, although, depending on the variety you choose to germinate, it may take up to 15 days

Growth stage

The growth stage of your plant is possibly the most important of all. We are in the phase in which, once the seed has germinated and planted in a flowerpot, your plant will begin to develop little by little.

Sale of Marijuana Seeds

Offers in Marijuana Seeds

At MatillaPlant we have an extensive catalog of cannabis seeds where you will always find the most recognized brands in the sector, brands such as Dinafem, Royal Queen or Sensi Seeds, among many others. We have indoor seeds and outdoor seeds, all of them are seeds of quality genetic composition. Many of the varieties of seeds that we have are in their feminized form.

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During this stage, your plants will need approximately a few eighteen hours of light and six of darkness. This time will make them grow in an optimal state and acquire both their morphology and an optimal size.

How long does a cannabis plant take to grow?

Eighteen hours of light are key to photosynthesis. The remaining six hours of darkness are no less important; this period is reserved for the strains to develop the metabolism of plant cells.

During the growth stage, your plants will need approximately a few eighteen hours of light and six of darkness.

And how long does the plant remain in this state?

How long your plant stays in this state depends on various factors, as the type of crop, the seeds marijuana or its different varieties.

The growth phase of plants usually last longer in outdoor crops than in indoor crops. The time it takes for your plants to grow outdoors depends on some factors that we cannot control, such as the weather or the daily hours of light and darkness.

Indoor cultivation allows greater control of the growth of your plants. You will be able to control much better the hours of light and darkness per day, the temperature of the crop and the humidity. In this way, your plants will grow within a set time pattern.

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The standard time, to call it somehow, that your plants usually remain in their growth phase in indoor crops is approximately 3 to 4 weeks for autoflowering seeds, while for feminized seeds it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks.

If we talk about growing outdoors, the period increases by about 8 or 9 months for growth.

Stage of Flowering

We are entering the last phase of the development of your cannabis plant.

An important period that will be determined by the number of hours of light and darkness in outdoor crops and by the development of the plant in the growth phase in indoor crops.

The passage from the growth phase to the flowering phase will depend on whether your plant meets the necessary conditions to support the weight of the buds. If your plant is strong enough to do so, it is ready to start the flowering period.

The passage from the growth phase to the flowering phase will depend on whether your plant meets the necessary conditions to support the weight of the buds.

It usually happens that, after about four weeks after you planted the seed, your plant does not have enough strength to support the weight of the buds. In this case, do not despair. Waiting a time until your plant develops the strength it needs on its own.


The time in the flowering phase of the seeds autoflowering indoors it will be marked by themselves. In the case of regular seeds or feminized ones, we will need to adjust their photoperiod ourselves to indicate when to do it.

In this way, they will receive the same hours of light as of darkness; 12 hours of light + 12 hours of darkness.

The variety autoflowering indoors they usually develop approximately in 8 weeks. The feminized seeds, however, they are around 10 or 12 weeks.

With regard to outdoor crops, if you have germinated your seed in spring, your crop may be ready to harvest between mid-August and late September, depending on the type of seed variety.

If the variety planted is 100% sativa could need a period of 10 to 14 weeks to complete the flowering period. In this way, its harvest would be delayed until mid-December, which would pose a risk to the plant.


At this point, your plant should have developed a number of significant buds, so you will need to harvest them from one moment to the next.

The problem is that you may have some questions about how to know when is the right time to do it.

One of the factors that shows that the bud is ready to cut is its hardness. It is also true that it is an indicator that does not always work, since there are varieties that produce softer buds than others.

The two indicators that will reflect the exact moment to cut the buds are the color and shape of the trichomes and the pistils. These tend to turn the characteristic green color to a yellowish, orange or brown color.

This color change in the buds means that they have reached a state of oxidation and optimal ripening, so they will be ready to be harvested.

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