Three men and one woman between the ages of 27 and 60, two of them are in custody.
The Trafalgar operation in Granada against the trafficking of narcotic substances and the fraud of electricity, was carried out in the neighborhood of Cartuja. Within the buildings which were exclusively dedicated to the indoor cultivation of marijuana on a large scale, there were 2,868 marijuana plants, 2.7 kilos of dried buds, already packed, and 100 grams of hashish.
The alleged perpetrators are three men and one woman between the ages of 27 and 60, two of whom have already been arrested. The investigation of the Trafalgar operation began to take shape at the beginning of May with the surveillance of the buildings located in the Cartuja neighborhood, on Trafalgar street. The semi-detached properties in this case were used for large-scale marijuana production, being able to produce between 50 and 70 kilos of marijuana periodically.
The lack of registration and lack of an electricity contract are “key”.
The surveillance resulted in none of the people entering and leaving there having any affiliation with the buildings. No one had registered and the lack of an electrical contract was the key data for the investigation and the process of the Trafalgar operation.
The help of the technicians of the electricity company Endesa, together with the agents of the National Police, came up with an electrical fraud where there was no electricity supply contract in force, and no one was listed as a registered person.
The company ENDESA He regularly collaborates with the National Police in this type of crime.
In addition to the 2,868 marijuana plants seized, the agents have intervened 2.7 kilos of dried buds that had been packaged and 100 grams of hashish.
The houses did not meet the minimum habitability conditions, so their destination was large-scale cannabis production. Without any need to live in them, their sole purpose was to be a factory for the mass production of marijuana, to be sold on the black market and to provide a great economic return to criminals.
Source: Ideal.